Announcing COBOL Batch-to-Azure for Mainframe to Cloud Modernization

COBOL and mainframe usage remain high and are cornerstones of operations for thousands of businesses, organizations, and government agencies. Still, there is a need to modernize and manage mainframe costs without pulling knowledgeable resources from important work.

For those organizations with COBOL applications considering using Microsoft Azure or already using the cloud platform, CloudFrame has now released COBOL Batch-to-Azure. This solution allows businesses and organizations to shift critical COBOL-based batch processes off of their mainframe and onto the cloud without disruption while saving time, effort, and money.

Minimizing Risk of COBOL Batch Process Modernization

Mainframe users face a serious dilemma. The mainframe, and by extension, their COBOL applications and batch processes, are core to their business. However, mainframe MSU consumption can be costly, while the resources needed to update and maintain these applications are declining, and those remaining are in high demand.

Batch processes face additional problems. It can be challenging to fit the necessary processes into tight mainframe batch windows. There are alternatives, like re-platforming, but many trans-compilers turn COBOL into a Frankenstein-like code commonly referred to as JOBOL. Re-platforming also has risks, including getting outputs to match precisely when moving from COBOL to another, modern language like Java.

CloudFrame’s COBOL Batch-to-Azure solution reduces COBOL MIPs and the associated General Processor Unit usage charges by cross-compiling COBOL source code into high-performant Java executables for Azure. Modernization projects can take as little as three months, with no disruption to existing environments and no changes to data access.

CloudFrame’s COBOL Batch-to-Azure Features

When moving batch processes from the mainframe to a cloud environment like Azure, there are significant hurdles to overcome. CloudFrames’s COBOL Batch-to-Azure features help streamline these initiatives and minimize the risks and challenges associated with moving mainframe batch processes to the cloud.

        • Automated transformation of COBOL into high-quality, high-performance Java byte code for use on Azure

• The resulting code is guaranteed 100% data equivalent to the original COBOL code

• Utilizes existing data sources

• Requires no changes to existing processes or integrations

• Converted applications are backward compatible as original programs remain in COBOL and are maintained using existing COBOL processes

Because COBOL Batch-to-Azure converts these processes without requiring additional changes to connected applications or data, you are empowered to move them at your own pace, defining which batch processes should be relocated to the cloud while leaving other applications and assets in place and untouched.

COBOL Batch-to-Azure Adds Agility and
Reduces Costs

This process offers unparalleled agility and control for organizations engaging in modernization initiatives.

With the control to choose which process to modernize and define precisely how much will be shifted to the cloud, you can confidently execute your modernization projects with the complete confidence that all applications that depend on the process will operate the same as they did before modernization.

With each process moved with COBOL Batch-to-Azure from the mainframe to the cloud, companies reduce their MIPS and, by extension, their mainframe usage costs. Those savings can then be reinvested into modernization initiatives. By self-funding mainframe modernization with CloudFrame through incremental projects, our customers have saved millions of dollars and transformed their mainframe systems and applications without increasing their budget.

Ready to save money by moving your COBOL batch processes to the cloud easily and quickly? Azure customers looking to use COBOL Batch-to-Azure can get information on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace or contact CloudFrame directly to learn how you can move one or hundreds of mainframe batch processes to the cloud seamlessly and smoothly.

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Written by

David Smith