CloudFrame Insight: CPU Savings with CloudFrame Relocate Server on z/OS

CloudFrame Relocate provides an easy way to shift COBOL workloads from CPs to a zIIP using cross-compilation. This means that COBOL source code is converted directly into Java bytecode, allowing the executable to run in a zIIP-eligible Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This process is transparent to the code’s existing relationship with data stores and other infrastructure. Therefore, stored procedures don’t have to be rewritten, batch schedulers don’t have to be adjusted, and sort processes can be retained.

The CloudFrame Insight explains one common implementation approach, where CloudFrame Relocate Server hosts the JVM on the same mainframe as the original workload and its data stores. In this implementation, the JVM accesses data stored in QSAM or VSAM via TCP/IP calls to a batch job, while it accesses data in DB2 directly via JDBC connectivity. This implementation could result in significant savings in monthly licensing charges (MLC) as the primary workload is shifted from the mainframe CP to the zIIP, which becomes 0% MLC-chargeable. Other approaches, such as shifting the COBOL workload to a virtual machine elsewhere in the data center or a public or private cloud, can also result in significant savings. These approaches are discussed in the document.

This insight is invaluable for organizations interested in understanding how shifting COBOL workloads from CPs to zIIPs can be used to both reduce their mainframe licensing costs and modernize their applications quickly and with minimal risk.

To learn more about your options for reducing your mainframe licensing costs, check out this Insight.

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