Intelligent Automation: The Modernization Force Multiplier Now Available on YouTube

COBOL modernization projects can be high-risk and costly.  Especially if applications are modernized using a green-field rewrite approach.  

These projects can involve small armies of developers deployed for the heavy lifting of code production as they attempt to reduce the risk of extended project duration.

Some of these projects are “successful” – often by tweaking the definition of success. The reasons for redefining success are varied. The code produced by the deployed army might be inconsistent or poorly structured for future maintenance (JOBOL!). The new application may also suffer from code bloat or not have logical and thorough testing assets.

The cure for these transformation ills is the use of intelligent automation.

Intelligent automation goes beyond simply consuming old code and producing new code.  Automated modernization software, like CloudFrame Renovate, employs “situation awareness,” coding patterns, and configuration to produce high-performance Java code that is also easy to maintain – even if the developer has no mainframe knowledge or experience.

Automated COBOL transformation provides many benefits: consistency, predictability, speed, maintainability, and reduced cost. And it increases the chance of modernization success – without having to reset expectations and redefine.

Join CloudFrame’s Greg Saxton as he discusses the role of automation in the success of mainframe COBOL transformation and the new Java applications provisioned using the CloudFrame product.

At the end of this 30-minute webinar, you’ll take away the answers to these three questions:

1. What transformation problems does automation solve?

2. How does automation impact the maintainability of the transformed Java code?

3. What are the significant benefits of using intelligent automation for COBOL application modernization?

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Written by

David Smith