About CloudFrame

Our Vision — Any to Any

CloudFrame delivers the tools you need to address your
immediate COBOL modernization needs: cost and
transformation to cloud applications. We’ve proven that
tools that provide automation, speed, and precision are
essential to successful modernization.

Our immediate focus is COBOL modernization, but we
understand that legacy systems are being developed every
day. Our vision is to create the platform that transforms the
applications of today into the applications of tomorrow.


Venkat Pillay

Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Executive Chair

Hans Otharsson

Chief Operating Officer

Balaji Swaminath

Chief Scientist

David Smith

Chief Marketing Officer

Andy Brown


Brad Medd-1

Brad Medd

Board Member

Bruce Gallager

Board Member

Our leadership team is focused on disrupting the
modernization market. The collective experience of our team
(over 200 years) in modernization, mission-critical
applications, and startup success fuels our passion for
changing the game. We believe you can take control of your
modernization journey by establishing a self-directed and
incremental approach.

The CloudFrame Story

Our History

Founded in 2016, CloudFrame was formed to address the
challenges of modernizing COBOL applications residing
on mainframe computers.

In 2018, CloudFrame’s first customer went live into
Production. Since then, we’ve continued to grow our
customer base and products. Our two major products
address the most significant mainframe application
issues: cost and the inability of mission-critical
applications to participate in digital transformation.

Our Values


Innovation: Listen to the Market, Experiment and Innovate always.
Expect and require innovation
from everyone. We want people
who are constantly thinking how to
do things better and be different.
Just because something has
worked in the past doesn’t mean
there is no new and better way to
do things.


Speed of Execution

Speed of Execution: “Done” is better than “Perfection”. Inventing faster
or helping customers faster is the only way we can survive. There will be a
battle between Process and Creativity. We need to find the right balance.
Setting goals rather than hard processes is the key to faster execution.


Respect: We respect everyone regardless of
their age, experience or position.
Disrespect towards colleagues will not be tolerated. Professional disagreement is different from

Positivity: Suggest a solution rather than telling all
the wrongs with the world. Negativity not just
affects you but it affects the entire team. Positivity
lifts all of us and makes us go faster.

Join The Team

Are You Inspired by Solving
Difficult Problems?

CloudFrame values innovation, speed of execution, and mutual respect and
positivity. We want people who constantly
think about doing things better, and who
are not afraid to try different approaches.

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