The Cure for COBOL

COBOL to Java. In place
or to the Cloud.

Ready to Find Out More?


Simplify your IT environment, unlock hidden business potential, and maintain agility in the digital age.

With CloudFrame, you are in control!

Telecom saves $4m a year by reducing MIPS usage with CloudFrame

A large TeleCom achieved nearly $4M in savings using an incremental project approach with CloudFrame Relocate,
moving COBOL workloads to both cloud and zIIP eligible JVM.

Backward compatibility with mainframe VSAM, QSAM, DB2
data, JES Job Scheduler, and MQ messaging was maintained.

Case Study
Remove your COBOL Modernization
Risks, Costs, and Roadblocks

Reduce COBOL Cost

By Shifting Your COBOL Compute

Save millions with CloudFrame and approved IBM capabilities

Cross-compile COBOL into executable Java

Transform COBOL into Cloud-Native Java

Turn COBOL applications into cloud-native

Establish a proven process with predictable
and consistent results

Move intellectual property trapped in
COBOL to cloud applications

With CloudFrame you can “self-fund”
and determine the tempo of your
modernization spend.

Self-Fund Your

By reducing your mainframe cost, you can
invest the money saved into additional
application modernization initiatives.

Your Pace

An incremental approach allows
you to set the schedule and pace
and eliminates the all-or-nothing

Your Cost

Configurable code generation
ensures high quality of the
transformed Java code and
services, and reduces the need for
external resources.

Your Risk

With CloudFrame, you can prove
functional equivalency and remove
long and out-of-control testing and approval cycles.

The ability to utilize mainframe data sources and existing
processes helps to mitigate risk and accelerates
modernization outcomes.

What Customers Have to Say

The CloudFrame COBOL application modernization products allow us to configure and iterate our COBOL transformations.

The control the CloudFrame modernization process provides reduces the amount of time and cost that are necessary to rewrite or tweak the Java applications we deliver.

The result is superior code quality, lower cost, and faster projects, all with no vendor lock-in. — CTO, Global System Integrator

Our Partners

We’re partnering with the solution organizations you know and trust, including the leading global systems integrators, mainframe service providers, and cloud platforms.

Latest News & Articles

Why modernization is hard – Series 5

Background  It is common to find COBOL or other legacy language application programs calling System modules viz. Standard z/OS Language Environment modules for Date functions, DB2 DSNALI/RLI modules for connection establishment, DSNTIAR utility to get formatted DB2 exception trace, IDCAMS for file allocation, IKJEFT for ISPF functions, Standard abend modules to trigger abnormal termination of process as part of exception handling, and other such utilities.  System Modules  The following are the common categories of system …

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Why modernization is hard – Series 4

One of the biggest challenges in modernizing legacy applications is figuring out the program call chain and the functionality of various called programs. Scanning the source code alone is not enough to understand the call chain and the full scope of the application. In this blog, I’ll share a few examples of issues customers have encountered during their modernization journey.  Program Mapping  We have seen many customers using a single common program name (Example: APLCM500) …

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Why modernization is hard? – Series 3

COBOL compiler options significantly affect calculation results and logic flow. Both human intelligence and AI struggle to replicate business logic in newer systems without considering these options. This challenge is like landing a plane on a foggy night without navigation—success is largely coincidental. In this blog, I’ll share a few examples of issues customers have encountered during their modernization journey.  SSRANGE/NOSSRANGE Compiler Option  Unlike Java, which uses 0 based index, COBOL arrays start from index …

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Recent Events

Shifting COBOL Compute Workload: GFT and CloudFrame Partner to Reduce Mainframe Costs Now Available on YouTube

  Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% per year, but in 2023, increases are reported to be 8% and, in some cases, as high as 15%. Cost …

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Moving Mainframe Workload – 4 Use Cases That Deliver Big Results Now Available on YouTube

Moving mainframe COBOL workloads makes a lot of sense. Not only do you have the potential for significant cost savings, but you can also take advantage of cloud scalability, provide relief for mainframe capacity issues, and free up budget dollars. Join CloudFrame CEO and founder, Venkat Pillay as he describes CloudFrame’s solutions to move mainframe COBOL workloads, why the cloud is the preferred solution target environment, and four (4) mainframe workload use cases; 1. Last-step …

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