Understanding Mainframe Specialty Processors: zIIPS and more

If you are an IT professional who works on IBM z Series mainframes, then you’ve probably heard about zIIPs and other “specialty processors.” But you may not really know what they are, what they do, and why they exist. With that in mind, let’s take a brief journey into the world of specialty processors. Starting […]

COBOL Modernization – 4 Predictions for 2022

CloudFrame’s 2022 COBOL modernization predictions center on modernization advancement, momentum, and success.

Automated Mainframe Testing Can Accelerate COBOL Modernization

Automated testing will allow you to accelerate and better control mainframe transformation projects, reduce costs, resources, and schedules.

AWS Acknowledges There Is a Mainframe Modernization Opportunity

AWS’s emphasis on mainframe modernization services validates CloudFrame’s focus on COBOL to Cloud transformation.

Why Incremental Modernization Reduces Risk and Increases Success

The coronavirus pandemic heightened the value and importance of digital adoption. As a consequence businesses have been accelerating their digital transformation plans by three to seven years. This includes mainframe modernization plans. While the breadth and depth of transformation are unique to each organization, components of transformation: processes, alignment of business and IT resources, responsiveness […]

Removing COBOL to Cloud Obstacles Webinar Recording Available on YouTube

The recording of the Removing The Top 5 COBOL to Cloud Transformation Obstacles webinar is now available on our YouTube Channel. In this CloudFrame event, Greg Saxton, CloudFrame CEO, concentrates on removing and overcoming five (5) common obstacles encountered during COBOL to cloud transformations initiatives. Transformation Cost Business and IT Risk Lengthy Projects and Delays […]

Overcome Mainframe COBOL Transformation Cost Obstacles

Mainframe COBOL application modernization projects are often characterized by a single measure: cost.  When infamous projects are reported, they don’t cite the complexity, mission-critical value, or what percentage of an organizations’ financial processing depends on the application.  Often, it’s only the cost. Seven figures pique interest, and an eight figures cost causes further investigation. Failure […]

Prevent These 5 Mainframe COBOL Cost Reduction Project Mistakes

Past mainframe COBOL transformation project mistakes haunt the organizations that make them and become cautionary tales for organizations faced with similar COBOL dependencies and the desire to lessen their COBOL cost and business risk.   In general, large IT projects ranging from ERP and CRM implementation, and digital transformation initiatives, to innovation projects have a […]

3 Risk Mitigation Strategies for Mainframe COBOL Compute Cost Projects

Big iron isn’t going away. Regardless of the thousands (or maybe tens of thousands) of information technology experts and professionals who plot to reduce mainframe relevancy, it grows year to year. A study from Allied Marketing Research reports that global mainframe marketing is expected to grow to $2.90 billion by 2025. This report can be […]

CloudFrame Relocate Economics and Java on Z

TL;DR CloudFrame’s survey of large enterprises discovered the median installed mainframe MSU capacity is organically growing 8–12% annually. CloudFrame Relocate reduces mainframe GPP (General Purpose processor) MSU consumption by 40 – 70%, which may reduce application datacenter chargebacks. CloudFrame Renovate transforms legacy mainframe applications into elegant cloud native Java Spring Batch and Spring Boot services […]