Why modernization is hard? – Series 1

COBOL has its own rules for calculations that are hard to replicate in newer systems. We have seen thousands of different examples where the customer is unable to match mainframe-based calculations in the new system. Consider a simple calculation in COBOL. “COMPUTE VAR-1 ROUNDED = ((VAR-2 * VAR-3 ) / 100 ) * (2 / […]

FS Firm envisions a COBOL-less future by collaborating with CloudFrame and EPAM

FS Firm envisions a COBOL-less future by collaborating with CloudFrame and EPAM Download RenovateCase Study Download Case Study Financial Services Firm envisions a COBOL-less future by collaborating with CloudFrame and EPAM as a partner Customer A Financial Services (FS) Firm wanted to reduce mainframe COBOL application costs without disrupting operations. CloudFrame facilitated a collaboration between […]

Telecom Saves $4m a Year by Reducing MIPS Usage with CloudFrame

Telecom Saves $4m a Year by Reducing MIPS Usage with CloudFrame Substantial Savings, Reduced RiskCase Study Download Case Study Telecom Company Reduced Mainframe Application Costs with CloudFrame Relocate™ Customer A large TeleCom achieved nearly $4M in savings using an incremental project approach with CloudFrame Relocate, moving COBOL workloads to both cloud and zIIP eligible JVM. […]

Financial Services Firm Accelerates Application Modernization by Automating JUnit Test Case Generation

Financial Services Firm Accelerates Application Modernization by Automating JUnit Test Case Generation Automated JUnit Test Case GenerationCase Study Download Case Study Financial Services Firm Accelerates Application Modernization by Automating JUnit Test Case Generation Customer The client is a leading international financial services organization with a strong focus on providing protection and wealth management solutions. Operating […]

Large Credit Card Company Successfully Migrates Two COBOL Applications with Over 200 Batch Jobs in Record Time

Large Credit Card Company Successfully Migrates Two COBOL Applications With Over 200 Batch Jobs in Record Time Credit Card CompanyRenovate Case Study Download Case Study Large Credit Card Company Successfully Migrates Two COBOL Applications With Over 200 Batch Jobs in Record Time Business Challenge A tier-1 financial services company confronted a critical modernization challenge with two […]

Fortune 500 Financial Services Firm collaborates with CloudFrame to explore a tool-assisted approach to refactoring

Fortune 500 Financial Services Firm collaborates with CloudFrame to explore a tool-assisted approach to refactoring Customer Success Download Case Study The Customer For almost 90 years, this financial services company has been one of the largest banks in the United States and a household name. With over $50B in revenue, over $1T in assets and […]

Shifting COBOL Compute Workload: GFT and CloudFrame Partner to Reduce Mainframe Costs Now Available on YouTube

  Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% […]

Techniques for Application Developers to Encourage zIIP Usage

The IBM zIIP (Integrated Information Processor) is a dedicated specialty processor available on IBM mainframe systems. It is designed to offload specific workloads and processing tasks from the general-purpose processors (CPUs). Work that runs on the zIIP instead of a general-purpose CPU is not charged on your organization’s monthly IBM software bill. So, exploiting the […]

Shifting COBOL Compute Workload: GFT and CloudFrame Partner to Reduce Mainframe Costs

  Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% […]

Greenfield Modernization: The Better Way

The greenfield modernization approach is a tempting option for IT teams, but it’s also one filled with significant risks—as we’ve discussed in previous articles of this series. However, a less risky and more effective approach is available, so let’s unpack it and see how it addresses or avoids many of the problems greenfield faces. A […]