COBOL to Maintainable Java: Innovations that Expand What’s Possible Now Available on YouTube

Organizations that depend on mission-critical COBOL applications want the business value of the application without the risk, cost, and constraints of COBOL. They want to modernize these applications to leverage the advantages of cloud infrastructure and ease of innovation.  Until now, they had few options for these valuable COBOL applications. • Do nothing and cope […]

Common Shifting COBOL Compute Mistakes

Shifting COBOL compute to less expensive platforms is a great first step on many organizations’ application modernization journey. There are multiple reasons an organization might want to begin with shifting COBOL compute, including low risk, the straightforward nature of the approach, and the potential for extraordinary ROI. NOTE: Cross-compiling COBOL programs into Java byte code […]

Building a Business Case for Shifting COBOL Compute Now Available on YouTube

Developing a sound business case for your modernization projects is critical to success. The business case helps you communicate your modernization project’s impact, scope, cost, and lasting benefits. It lets you plan and rationalize the modernization choices you’ll make in the project. Without a strong business case, your project is less likely to succeed.    Attend […]

Three Reasons It Makes Sense to Convert Some of Your COBOL to Java

Mainframes continue to be viable for enterprise computing due to their inherent capabilities for supporting the most critical business functions. When it comes to supporting large volumes of data, high-speed transaction processing, and secure computing the mainframe continues to excel. The Fortune 1000 relies upon mainframes to run their business, and of course, much of […]

Live Transformation: Maintainable Java from COBOL in 60 Minutes Now Available on YouTube

When you hear “COBOL transformation to maintainable Java in 60 minutes” the reaction is predictable; eye rolls, thinking – “yeah right,” and suspicion.  It’s understandable that you have a healthy skepticism when it comes to COBOL transformation pronouncements.  After all, COBOL has been on the “replace” list for decades, and stories of failed projects are […]

COBOL Modernization Myth Busting: Maintainable Java Now Available on YouTube

The drive to get COBOL applications into the cloud, and specifically Java, created a monster: JOBOL. It is the evil offspring of COBOL and Java when no planning, optimization, and design is applied to transformation.  JOBOL is the byproduct of speed at all cost, check-the-cloud-box initiatives. But when modernization efforts deliver JOBOL to application teams, […]

Is the Java Modernization Destination Quality or Maintainability?

Your organization has taken the leap and chosen to modernize your existing COBOL monoliths into Java-based application services, ready for the cloud. Your team plots out a journey toward success. Rather than taking a risky big-bang approach, each incremental release on the road toward modernization is prioritized and scheduled to save costs and capture value […]

The Amount of COBOL is a Function of History and a Lack of Options

Much of the defense of COBOL as a programming language is based on the volume of code that exists today in production. These mission-critical workloads support both government and commercial needs all over the globe. Something used to prop up such critical workloads MUST be valuable, right? Well, the volume of COBOL is more a […]

Common zIIP Usage Mistakes and How to Identify Them

Many organizations using the IBM System z have begun to use zIIP processors to help reduce the overall cost of their mainframe environment. But… Assuming Everything Will Run on the zIIP One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming that everything that is eligible to run on the zIIP will actually run on […]

Intelligent Automation: The Modernization Force Multiplier Now Available on YouTube

COBOL modernization projects can be high-risk and costly.  Especially if applications are modernized using a green-field rewrite approach.   These projects can involve small armies of developers deployed for the heavy lifting of code production as they attempt to reduce the risk of extended project duration. Some of these projects are “successful” – often by tweaking […]