Why modernization is hard? – Series 1

COBOL has its own rules for calculations that are hard to replicate in newer systems. We have seen thousands of different examples where the customer is unable to match mainframe-based calculations in the new system. Consider a simple calculation in COBOL. “COMPUTE VAR-1 ROUNDED = ((VAR-2 * VAR-3 ) / 100 ) * (2 / […]

CloudFrame’s Intelligent COBOL Transformation Platform is bolstered by enhanced partnership and investment from EPAM

CloudFrame has advanced their strategic partnership with EPAM, with an eye towards accelerating enterprise modernization efforts and furthering collaboration that takes advantage of evolving technologies in GenAI Princeton, N.J., USA, May 14, 2024: CloudFrame, a pioneering company specializing in mainframe application modernization solutions, further strengthens its market position today by announcing a strategic investment from […]

CloudFrame’s intelligent COBOL transformation software accelerates the migration of COBOL applications to cloud-ready native technologies.

CloudFrame, the fast-growing COBOL to Java transformation software company, today announces its partnership with EPAM Systems, Inc.,  a leading digital transformation services and product engineering company, to provide enterprises and government agencies that rely on COBOL applications with an automated, end-to-end, modernization journey. EPAM’s Mainframe Modernization team will utilize CloudFrame products to accelerate the movement […]

Moving Mainframe Workload – 4 Use Cases That Deliver Big Results Now Available on YouTube

Moving mainframe COBOL workloads makes a lot of sense. Not only do you have the potential for significant cost savings, but you can also take advantage of cloud scalability, provide relief for mainframe capacity issues, and free up budget dollars. Join CloudFrame CEO and founder, Venkat Pillay as he describes CloudFrame’s solutions to move mainframe […]

The Perceived Rewards and Real Risk of Greenfield Application Modernization

“Let’s just start fresh.”  In the arena of COBOL application modernization, these words have been uttered many times over the years by technologists, business executives, and even board directors. While the phrase does have great power to lift the spirits (at least for a while) of everyone involved in a big, complex project, at CloudFrame […]

Understanding COBOL Cross-Compile

CloudFrame’s Relocate product is used to cross-compile COBOL systems in executable Java bytecode.  When we talk about cross-compile, some may think it’s synonymous with trans-compile. That isn’t the case, as the two concepts are slightly different. This article explains some of the basics. Cross-compile isn’t the same as Trans-Compile.Cross-compiling and trans-compiling are two techniques used […]

The Impact of Staffing and Skills Changes on Modernization Plans

In an earlier post, we discussed changes in the technology landscape that should be understood when evaluating an organization’s modernization plans. Another essential reality of the current IT market must be considered as part of a company’s modernization strategy: staffing and skills. For many organizations, staffing changes are driven by the inevitable march towards the […]

Announcing COBOL Batch-to-Azure for Mainframe to Cloud Modernization

COBOL and mainframe usage remain high and are cornerstones of operations for thousands of businesses, organizations, and government agencies. Still, there is a need to modernize and manage mainframe costs without pulling knowledgeable resources from important work. For those organizations with COBOL applications considering using Microsoft Azure or already using the cloud platform, CloudFrame has […]

The Impact of Tailored Fit Pricing (TFP) on zIIPs

Today’s article in my series on zIIP processors will be a little different because I want to focus on a specific IBM mainframe pricing model and how users of that model may benefit from using zIIPs. The pricing model, Tailored Fit Pricing (TFP), is the latest model introduced by IBM. But what is TFP, and […]

Is the Java Modernization Destination Quality or Maintainability?

Your organization has taken the leap and chosen to modernize your existing COBOL monoliths into Java-based application services, ready for the cloud. Your team plots out a journey toward success. Rather than taking a risky big-bang approach, each incremental release on the road toward modernization is prioritized and scheduled to save costs and capture value […]

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