Shifting COBOL Compute Workload: GFT and CloudFrame Partner to Reduce Mainframe Costs Now Available on YouTube

  Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% […]

Moving Mainframe Workload – 4 Use Cases That Deliver Big Results Now Available on YouTube

Moving mainframe COBOL workloads makes a lot of sense. Not only do you have the potential for significant cost savings, but you can also take advantage of cloud scalability, provide relief for mainframe capacity issues, and free up budget dollars. Join CloudFrame CEO and founder, Venkat Pillay as he describes CloudFrame’s solutions to move mainframe […]

Shifting COBOL Compute Workload: GFT and CloudFrame Partner to Reduce Mainframe Costs

  Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% […]

Real Experiences Shifting COBOL Compute Workload

Organizations that rely on mainframe COBOL applications for mission-critical internal and customer-facing applications are facing significant challenges. The IT professionals needed to maintain these applications are getting harder to find and more expensive to hire. Additionally, the execution cost of delivering long-standing results is increasing yearly. Historical increases for MLC have been around 5% per […]

COBOL to Maintainable Java: Innovations that Expand What’s Possible Now Available on YouTube

Organizations that depend on mission-critical COBOL applications want the business value of the application without the risk, cost, and constraints of COBOL. They want to modernize these applications to leverage the advantages of cloud infrastructure and ease of innovation.  Until now, they had few options for these valuable COBOL applications. • Do nothing and cope […]

Measuring the Impact of Shifting COBOL Compute Now Available on YouTube

Shifting COBOL compute to less expensive platforms may be the best first step on the modernization journey. Identifying and moving the execution of your most expensive COBOL batch jobs provides an opportunity to reduce cost or free up funds in an existing IT budget. This modernization technique offers a low-risk, straightforward, and cost-effective approach that […]

Planning a Successful Shifting COBOL Compute Project Now Available on YouTube

As mainframe costs continue to rise, alternate compute and execution environments such as the zIIP, Linux, and the cloud are gaining more attention and credibility. Using cross-compile techniques to transform COBOL systems to Java creates opportunities for application owners and IT management to explore and prove the economics of hybrid environments that leverage less expensive […]

Live Transformation: Shifting COBOL Compute to Azure Now Available on YouTube

Mainframe costs continue to rise. Those increases have a tremendous impact on IT and business unit budgets. Not only are IT and business operations asked to do more with less, but adding insult to injury, the less actually may cost more.  As organizations seek opportunities to reduce costs, one important area of potential savings should […]

Building a Business Case for Shifting COBOL Compute Now Available on YouTube

Developing a sound business case for your modernization projects is critical to success. The business case helps you communicate your modernization project’s impact, scope, cost, and lasting benefits. It lets you plan and rationalize the modernization choices you’ll make in the project. Without a strong business case, your project is less likely to succeed.    Attend […]

Top Questions About Moving COBOL Compute Now Available on YouTube

You’ve heard that COBOL cross-compile delivers Java byte code that allows you to move COBOL execution or compute to less expensive platforms.  That includes the zIIP, cloud, Linux, or anywhere else a JVM is running.  But, you’ve got questions. So many questions. You’re in good company because we get questions all the time! In this […]