AWS Acknowledges There Is a Mainframe Modernization Opportunity

At this year’s re:Invent, AWS announced its initiatives to respond to the needs of mainframe-oriented organizations. The AWS initiative aligns with Gartner’s 7 Modernization options, explicitly pointing to Rehosting, Replatforming, and Refactoring as the primary approach to modernizing the mission-critical applications. Obviously, AWS would like to see mainframe applications provisioned on their platform using the generous benefits of EC2 compute environments and S3 storage.

AWS’s emphasis on mainframe modernization services validates CloudFrame’s focus on COBOL to Cloud transformation. AWS is rightfully responding to the gap between COBOL-dependent organizations’ desires to leverage their proprietary, mission-critical, and revenue-generating (or protecting) applications and ongoing digital transformation initiatives and viable (risk reduced) paths forward. 

Helping these organizations is a worthy pursuit.  Modernization efforts (when successfully delivered) benefit both the organization and its customers.  And the audience impacted by modernization is significant.  IBM reports 7.7 trillion annual credit card payments, 29 billion annual ATM transactions, and 12.6 billion mainframe transactions per day in 2017. In fact, 92 of the world’s top 100 banks rely on mainframes to host their core systems.

AWS’s focus on refactoring (Blu Age) and replatforming (Micro Focus) is earnest, albeit aged like the platforms they use to attempt modernization. 

CloudFrame understands the situation of organizations that wish to modernize their COBOL systems: no clear direction and no products that allow them to take an incremental, self-directed approach to COBOL modernization based on business priorities. Successful initiatives involve quality code (SonarQube ratings), DevOps-ready java applications aligned to 12-factor design considerations, and extraordinary fast project completion times.

With the ability to deliver on those principles and demonstrated functional and data equivalency (unique in the modernization space), CloudFrame provides the tools and platforms that organizations need to diagnose and address their COBOL needs.

CloudFrame Relocate and Renovate offer organizations both near-term cost impacts and the ability to provide mission-critical applications as cloud-native applications ready to participate in existing DevOps processes and systems.

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Written by

Venkat Pillay

Venkat is a true technology visionary, serial entrepreneur, strategist, deep generalist, and architect. With over 25 years of experience and a passion for innovation, his expertise ranges from Legacy to emerging technology and company building.

Founder and CEO