The Benefits and Challenges of Mainframe Application Modernization

Mainframe systems have been the backbone of large businesses and organizations since the advent of the IBM System 360 in 1964. That is a long time for mainframe systems to grow and increase in complexity, making them difficult to maintain over time. As a result, many companies are now considering mainframe application modernization as a […]

The Role of Db2 DBAs in Promoting zIIP Usage

As most z/OS practitioners know, zIIP processors can provide significant benefits in cost savings and improved performance. And one of the most significant areas for taking advantage of the benefits that zIIPs can provide is within Db2 for z/OS. As such, the role of Db2 DBAs in promoting zIIP usage can be critical. It is […]

Ebook: Shifting COBOL Compute to Reduce Mainframe Cost

COBOL application modernization doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, risky, or involve never-ending projects that miss their goals. But, if your organization is like many others, rising mainframe costs are beginning to force action. If it isn’t already on your cost reduction plans, COBOL application modernization should be. Why? Mainframe costs continue to increase, with […]

Choosing the Right Application for Shifting COBOL Compute Application Modernization

What Applications are Good Shift COBOL Compute Candidates? If your curiosity has been piqued by the benefits of shifting COBOL compute and how it can be accomplished, you may have begun to think about the applications in your inventory and if they would align with this type of modernization effort. Selecting the right applications or […]

Common Misconceptions About zIIPs

Regular readers of my posts here know that zIIPs are a type of mainframe specialty processor that augments the general-purpose CPUs. Instead of running all workloads on the general-purpose CPUs, specific workloads are shuttled to the specialty processors for execution. The zIIP, or Integrated Information Processor, was initially created to process certain types of Db2 […]

Mainframe Cost Optimization: Full Capacity, Sub-Capacity, and Tailored-Fit

Mainframe cost optimization is a current buzzword being applied to many different processes and techniques. But let’s face it, optimization in this context inevitably means reduction. The general idea is that companies are looking for ways to reduce the cost of their computing infrastructure. And who can blame them? If you can pay less for […]

What is the Average Cost per MIPS or MSU? Who Cares!

The title of today’s post is a question that I get asked all the time. Sometimes by users who are interested in trying to curtail mainframe costs. Sometimes by vendors looking for a way to promote their products that help to reduce costs. While both are well-meaning, this is a question I never answer. Because […]

Planning a Successful Shifting COBOL Compute Project Now Available on YouTube

As mainframe costs continue to rise, alternate compute and execution environments such as the zIIP, Linux, and the cloud are gaining more attention and credibility. Using cross-compile techniques to transform COBOL systems to Java creates opportunities for application owners and IT management to explore and prove the economics of hybrid environments that leverage less expensive […]

The Many Types of Mainframe Pricing

Whenever somebody talks about software pricing on the mainframe or tuning to save on their monthly mainframe bill, I always wonder just exactly what they are talking about. Are they aware of all their company’s licensing agreements and all the intricacies therein? Before we move on, let me just state that the mainframe still makes […]

The Last MSU is the Cheapest

The cost per MSU (or MIPS) is not steady. At least not for sub-capacity pricing. As the number of MSUs or MIPS  you consume increases, the cost per/MSU (MIPS) goes down. This means that each MSU (or MIPS) saved will be the cheapest you are paying for. This can be verified by reviewing the IBM […]