MicroFocus® Modernization

“How did I end up with a Legacy COBOL application on a modern platform?” Several CloudFrame customers were able to achieve immediate business results and accelerated their long-term strategy by removing COBOL. Its lack of innovation was inhibiting their business. Some among these customers had previously exited the mainframe using MicroFocus® COBOL, NetCobol®, & COBOL-IT®.  The […]

Turn IBM COBOL 4.2 EOS into +ROI

Pursue a Strategic Investment that Drives a Return On Investment

Navigating IBM COBOL 4.2 End of Support Waters: Chart a course to benefit your business

Surprisingly, COBOL has been in the news a lot recently, due to its significant usage in many federal govern-ment and state systems, most recently with unemployment systems, being in the news. With the global COVID-19 pandemic, those unemployment systems were stressed like never before with a 1600% increase in traffic (Government Computer News, May 12, 2020) as […]

Reduce Mainframe Costs with CloudFrame

Consider Cross-Compiling COBOL to Java to Reduce Costs by Craig Mullins Most organizations that rely on the mainframe for their mission-critical workload have a considerable amount of COBOL programs. COBOL was one of the first business-oriented programming languages having been first introduced in 1959. Designed for business and available when the IBM 360 became popular, […]

Stop the COBOL Brain Drain

Stop the COBOL Brain Drain Before they Reach the Exit Door I came across an article written in March of 2012 by Robert L. Mitchell, in ComputerWorld called, “Brain drain: Where Cobol systems go from here,” where there is a lengthy discussion dealing with the risk of an aging COBOL workforce and their march towards […]

Progressive Legacy Modernization; Chapter 1 Mainframe

Progressive Legacy Modernization; Chapter 1 Mainframe Great article published October 18th by Gregory Saxton on his LinkedIn Blog. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/progressive-legacy-modernization-chapter-1-mainframe-gregory-saxton

Think Progressively about Mainframe Modernization

Think Progressively about Mainframe Modernization The road to mainframe modernization is paved with many failed and over-budget projects. It’s risky business for any organization. There are many tools on the market that promise modernization but don’t deliver modern code that is a good foundation for future development. These solutions fall short in many areas: Poor […]