Live Transformation: Maintainable Java from COBOL in 60 Minutes Now Available on YouTube

When you hear “COBOL transformation to maintainable Java in 60 minutes” the reaction is predictable; eye rolls, thinking – “yeah right,” and suspicion. 

It’s understandable that you have a healthy skepticism when it comes to COBOL transformation pronouncements.  After all, COBOL has been on the “replace” list for decades, and stories of failed projects are numerous and easy to find.

CloudFrame wants to chip away at the skepticism and suspicion. Demonstrating and displaying our approach to transformation in one 60-minute session (live and in real-time) embodies our commitment to being transparent and honest about COBOL transformation and the quality of the outcome: maintainable Java.

In this 60-minute webinar, CloudFrame walks through the step-by-step process used to perform incremental modernization using our COBOL-to-Java tools.

The webinar includes

• Elements of a successful COBOL to Java transformation project

• The step-by-step process we use for Proof of Technology engagements

• A real-time transformation of COBOL to Java

• Tips for evaluating the maintainability of the transformed Java assets

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Top Questions About Moving COBOL Compute Now Available on YouTube

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Written by

David Smith