3 Risk Mitigation Strategies for Mainframe COBOL Compute Cost Projects

Big iron isn’t going away. Regardless of the thousands (or maybe tens of thousands) of information technology experts and professionals who plot to reduce mainframe relevancy, it grows year to year. A study from Allied Marketing Research reports that global mainframe marketing is expected to grow to $2.90 billion by 2025. This report can be […]

Reducing Mainframe COBOL Costs – Now Available on YouTube

For decades businesses that depend heavily on mainframe COBOL have attempted to bridge the gap between their mission-critical mainframe COBOL applications and their modern applications and development processes. Why? Because those mainframe applications demand more of their IT budget, are supported by a shrinking population of professionals, and have barriers that prevent them from capitalizing […]

MicroFocus® Modernization

“How did I end up with a Legacy COBOL application on a modern platform?” Several CloudFrame customers were able to achieve immediate business results and accelerated their long-term strategy by removing COBOL. Its lack of innovation was inhibiting their business. Some among these customers had previously exited the mainframe using MicroFocus® COBOL, NetCobol®, & COBOL-IT®.  The […]

Turn IBM COBOL 4.2 EOS into +ROI

Pursue a Strategic Investment that Drives a Return On Investment

Navigating IBM COBOL 4.2 End of Support Waters: Chart a course to benefit your business

Surprisingly, COBOL has been in the news a lot recently, due to its significant usage in many federal govern-ment and state systems, most recently with unemployment systems, being in the news. With the global COVID-19 pandemic, those unemployment systems were stressed like never before with a 1600% increase in traffic (Government Computer News, May 12, 2020) as […]

Stop the COBOL Brain Drain

Stop the COBOL Brain Drain Before they Reach the Exit Door I came across an article written in March of 2012 by Robert L. Mitchell, in ComputerWorld called, “Brain drain: Where Cobol systems go from here,” where there is a lengthy discussion dealing with the risk of an aging COBOL workforce and their march towards […]

Think Progressively about Mainframe Modernization

Think Progressively about Mainframe Modernization The road to mainframe modernization is paved with many failed and over-budget projects. It’s risky business for any organization. There are many tools on the market that promise modernization but don’t deliver modern code that is a good foundation for future development. These solutions fall short in many areas: Poor […]

NYC Fintech Innovation Lab 2019 Demo Day Presentation

NYC Fintech Innovation Lab 2019 Demo Day Presentation CloudFrame Introductory Video by Founder/CEO, Venkat Pillay